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Thursday, 24 March 2022

Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday. That's what it used to be called. Now more commonly referred to as 'Mother's Day'. For the sake of Brenda (our fabulous play group tea lady), who prefers the old name, to the new, I have adapted this popular tea pot craft with a ditty that reflects the traditional name for this day.

In the UK, Mothering Sunday, is on the fourth Sunday of Lent. In the past, it was considered important for people to visit their 'Mother Church' the main church in their area. This of course, brought families together for the day, as domestic servants were allowed to return to their home church. Thus it has become associated with the idea of visiting home and taking a gift of flowers to your Mother.

Teapot worksheet


  • coloured card
  • worksheet
  • scissors
  • single packet tea bags
  • flower stickers
  • pens 


1. Photocopy worksheet onto card.

2. Cut out teapot shape and round the top of the heart (enough to insert tea bag packet).


1. Children decorate teapot with stickers.

2. Help children select tea bag and insert into teapot.

3. Write child's name on the back and leave on the 'Home' table to be collected at the end.

NB Feel free to print/enlarge my image for non-commerical use. If you would prefer a more personalised teapot, with a finger print design, you might like to try this one:

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Happy New Year! Calendar Craft

Happy New Year!

We always start the new year with a calendar craft and ever since I discovered how much our Mums love a hand print of their child, to keep for posterity, its been a hand print. Sometimes (as this year) accompanied by a poem, always with the date, though, so that, years later, they can place that moment in time.

This is this year's version ('scuse the shadow, it was a busy old morning, so I had to take the pic as quickly as I could, before the moment was gone).

And if you'd like to see the blank version, it's here:

This is the version we did two years ago, just before the pandemic struck!

As you can see, each one is unique! Just as it should be!


  • coloured photocopy card
  • curling ribbon/scissors
  • hole punch
  • calendars
  • stapler (to attach calendars)
  • poster paint/paint trays (we use 3 or 4 colours)
  • sponges (for applying paint to hands)
  • stickers
  • wipes
  • overalls
  • pens (to label craft work)


1. Order calendars (before Christmas). You can get them from places like *Baker Ross and Amazon. Some local stationers may also stock them.

2. Prepare sheet for craft and photocopy onto coloured card (or onto plain paper, trim and stick onto card).

3. Hole punch holes in the top of the card for a ribbon to hang it.

4. Cut ribbon for hanging calendar.


1. Help children roll up sleeves and put on overall.

2. Show children how to apply paint to their hands (it comes out less splodgy when applied with a sponge) and then press hand on to paper.

3. Wipe hands with wet wipe. Give children option to try another colour.

4. Allow children to embellish with stickers.

5. Give children option of ribbon to hang calendar.

6. Adult to attach calendar with stapler.

7. Ensure children's name is on work, and put aside to dry, ready for Home time.

*Any resources listed purely for information purposes only.