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Monday 14 January 2019

Paper Cup Penguins

Another fun Winter craft for little ones involves penguins! There's something so attractive about these little creatures that really appeal!

Making these gives me the perfect opportunity to reprise 'Have you ever seen a Penguin come to Tea?'* during our singing session. If you haven't sung it before, it's great fun... but I did get some funny looks from the parents first time around!

This craft doesn't give quite so much room for individual creativity, but somehow, our crafty little things manage to make them all their own!


  • Black plastic/paper cups
  • White paper circles
  • Orange triangles (for beaks) & feet cut from card/foam
  • Googly eyes
  • PVA glue/spreaders/pots
  • Baby wipes
  • Pens (for adding names)


1. Source your cups! I think we found these in Tesco. They were the large ones. If you can't find these, you may need to purchase white paper cups and paint them black, but this adds an extra layer to the craft.

2. Cut circles from white paper/card.

3. Cut triangles for beaks and feet for the penguins. This requires a little bit of time. See if you can find an enthusiastic volunteer, who doesn't mind cutting out whilst watching TV in the evening.

4. Make a sample, for the children to see.


1. Stick a white circle on to the cup, using PVA glue.

2. Add googly eyes, beaks and feet.

3. Add child's name to the bottom of a foot, or inside the cup, using a permanent marker.

4. Leave to dry on the Home table.

*  Click the song title for a demo of the song: Have you ever seen a penguin come to tea?

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