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Monday 14 January 2019


Feeling the chilly blast yet? It's definitely feeling wintry right now and we're kicking off this term with some wintry crafts!

We made these snowmen a few years ago. They were based on one that I'd made with my daughter when she was tiny. There are similar crafts on Pinterest, but what I love about those made by our kids, is that you can see the children have made them their own - which is just the way it should be! Each one is unique - just like their creators!!



  • Blue card (A4)
  • Cotton wool pads
  • PVA glue/glue spreaders/glue pots
  • Black sequins
  • Snowflake sequins/table scatter
  • Buttons
  • White paint
  • Blue paint
  • Paintbrushes/pallets/pots
  • Coloured pipe cleaners
  • Overalls
  • Babywipes


1. Cut pipe cleaners into appropriate lengths. We used short lengths of orange pipe cleaners for the carrot nose.

2. Pour paint/glue in to pots (we reuse plastic containers recycled from food, but try to avoid using containers that cannot first be cleaned thoroughly in a dishwasher - to avoid any children with food allergies being affected).

3. Make a sample for the children and mums to get the idea of what we're trying to achieve.


1. Overalls on and sleeves rolled up.

2. Name written on the back/front of the paper.

3. First glue cotton wool pads into position. 

4. Add eyes, nose, mouth, buttons. PVA glue is best for this!

5. Paint, snowman sequins and even glitter can be added as desired.

6. Add lengths of pipe cleaners for arms, scarves etc.

7. Leave to dry, on the Home table.

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